Let's K12 Better
Let's K12 Better
What’s Your Why? Authenticity. Accountability. with Yaritza Villalba
How are you going to pursue your passion this year?
We are celebrating the start of season 2 of the Let’s K12 Better podcast all month with the What’s Your Why -a series on exploring motivation and the imperfect journey to your authentic self. We hope you join us on January 27th for a LIVE show community discussion on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter on finding our authentic self.
In this episode, we sit down with Yaritza Villalba, educator and Founding President, YV Educational Resources. Yaritza shows us how centering student voice is not only rewarding but necessary for all students, specifically historically marginalized students.
Learn more about Yaritza Villalba’s work or connect with her on social media at the links below!
Link to website: https://www.yveducationalresources.com/
#AskYaritza blog link: https://blog.flipgrid.com/news/category/AskYaritza
#AskYaritza is located on the Flipgrid YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCaE_edn77lDzCxI3pinKvHg
Twitter Handle: @inc_yv
Instagram Handle: inc_yv
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