Let's K12 Better
Join Amber (@MomOfAllCapes) and her kids at their kitchen table, where family discussions are fun and informative! Learn from experts and explore innovative ideas that push for more meaningful, equitable, and compassionate K12 learning experiences for kids, parents, and educators.
62 episodes
Let’s Talk About Redefining Geek with Cassidy Puckett
What does it mean to be “good” with technology? What are the 5 hidden habits of tech-savvy teens? How can educators and parents support technology learning habits in young people?In this episode, we sat down with Cassidy Puckett, assist...
Season 3
Episode 8

Let’s Talk About Civil Discourse with Joe Schmidt and Nichelle Pinkney
“Social Studies is the curriculum of how we live our life.” YES! In this episode, we sat down with veteran educators Joe Schmidt and Nichelle Pinkney, co-authors of Civil Discourse Classroom Conversations for Stronger Com...
Season 3
Episode 7

Let’s Talk About Empowering Digital Leaders with Jennifer Casa-Todd
Social media isn’t going anywhere. And neither is technology. So how do we help kids learn leadership skills and interpersonal skills so they can have successful social media experiences In this episode, we sat down with Jennifer Casa-T...
Season 3
Episode 6

Let's Talk About Education, Play, and Equity with Karyn Allee, PhD
How does chronic stress impact the brain? How does play support pro-social behavior in kids? What are misnomers about Title 1 schools? How can we better equip new teachers working in high-challenge schools so they can meet the needs of the stud...
Season 3
Episode 5

Let's Talk About Civics and Youth Voice with Elizabeth Clay Roy, Generation Citizen
What is action civics? Why is student voice so important, especially right now? How can we use informed civics and action civics more efficiently together? How can we expand our understanding of what equity in civics could mean? So many q...
Season 3
Episode 4

Let’s Talk About News and History with David Olson, Retro Report
What makes current events so important? Where does news intersect with history? How do we find resources to support important civic conversations? What should parents understand about the importance of social studies and civic education, curren...
Season 3
Episode 3

Schooling Through The Pandemic… What’s Changed?
We started our podcast to discuss K12 education as a project and a response to COVID-19 with our first episode, “Schooling Through An Apocalypse.” What’s changed in education since lockdown happened in March 2020? Lots! In this episode,...
Season 3
Episode 2

Welcome Back, it’s Black History Month… What, whaaat?!
Welcome to season 3 and Happy Black History Month! We open up the season with a discussion on current events, books we’re reading, and how we plan to set the tone for this upcoming season. FYI… we are working on a new sound setup. W...
Season 3
Episode 1

Let’s Talk About Financial Planning with Cristina Briboneria
Financial literacy and financial freedom are interconnected. As we think ahead to the upcoming year, setting goals is always a great way to establish solid footing. Setting financial goals… that’s boss level!How do we bring our young pe...
Season 2
Episode 25

Speaking Life Into Our Students with Ashley Tucker
Many discussions on equity often fail to center the needs of special education students. In this episode, we sat down with Ashley Tucker, special educator, Dean, social-emotional learning enthusiast, and Ed Leadership student ...
Season 2
Episode 24

Historical Empathy, Making it Real for Kids with Dr. Katie Perrotta
Do history, civics, and empathy work together? YES… yes, they work together! And if we allow them to work together, our students gain an appreciation for the act of “doing” social studies and history. We can make history come alive when student...
Season 2
Episode 23

We The Gamers… Civics and Gaming with Dr. Kat Schrier
Games are not only fun pastime activities, they’re great vehicles for learning. How can we use games to teach civics skills, social-emotional learning, and digital citizenship? How might we use games to teach us how to be together?In th...
Season 2
Episode 22

Valuing Early Childhood Education with Annette Serwanga M.A.Ed
When executed well, early childhood education (preschool and nursery school) establishes a solid foundation with long-lasting impact on a child's social-emotional and educational journey. However, many parents (and even educators) do not ...
Season 2
Episode 21

Black Teachers Matter with Hiewet Senghor
There are increased benefits for all students, but specifically for Black students, when there are Black teachers in the classroom. How do we build pipelines that increase the number of Black educators in our schools? How can programming and ne...
Season 2
Episode 20

Raising Digital Natives with Dr. Devorah Heitner
Technology is a tool for innovation, a medium for self-expression, and an opportunity for us to push the boundary of what we know. Technology and the internet hold the potential to be leveraged for immense good, as well as, extreme ill in...
Season 2
Episode 19

Building and Nurturing Supportive Communities with Camille Robinson
Every parent could use more support and more joy. Did you know that you could be a catalyst for support and for joy not only in your own life but in the lives of others? What are you pouring into the communities you’re part of? How are...
Season 2
Episode 18

School Librarians Matter with K.C. Boyd
Does your school have a full-time school librarian? Are you aware of what your school library can do for your students? It’s more than just passing out books and supporting language arts. Our school libraries are at the heart of all subjects an...
Season 2
Episode 17

Narratives: Moving From Empathy to Action with Lee Keylock
How can we use stories to bring together people of differing opinions, experiences, and perspectives to create a more nuanced understanding of the human condition? Stories have the power to build bridges, foster community, facilitate understand...
Season 2
Episode 16

Reclaiming Our Collective History with Larissa Lam and Baldwin Chiu
How can we live history, right now, today? History comes to life when we can connect legislation, Supreme Court rulings, and major historic events to real people. When we understand the impact of historic events and decisions on people’s lives,...
Season 2
Episode 15

Engaging The Expert Effect with Grayson McKinney and Zach Rondot
School should be a place where kids love to go, not a place where kids have to go. But what can educators (and even parents) do to engage students in learning that truly speaks to their interests? How can we bring in outside content experts to ...
Season 2
Episode 14

Creation, Connection, and Collective Healing with Jen Bloomer, Radici Studios
Juneteenth represents a moment in time when freedom was delayed for a large group of people. In times where society is pushing back against injustice, how do we create space to celebrate and acknowledge victories? How do we build the capacity t...
Season 2
Episode 13

Centering Community with Civics and Social-Emotional Learning with David Adams, The Urban Assembly
What does justice look like if we are allowed to contribute everything we are to the communities we’re part of? The skills, tools, and processes needed to maintain community are social-emotional learning skills. Humans are innovative and we inv...
Season 2
Episode 12

Cultivating A Justice Mindset In Kids
It’s our anniversary! (Thank you for listening)This podcast started with a family discussion on schooling through an apocalypse. We learned however that this podcast evolved into our year-long journey and exploration into important disc...
Season 2
Episode 11

School Librarians… The Honeybees of the School Community with Corey Hall, Ph. D
The public library is undoubtedly a civic space and school libraries are essential to the K12 learning journey. But how have libraries and the role of the librarian evolved to meet the needs of our students during COVID-19? We sat...
Season 2
Episode 10

Hate, Hurt, Healing & Hope: AAPI Educators Teaching for Justice
Racism shows up everywhere and we are beginning to acknowledge how that impacts different groups, but most importantly we're starting to see the benefits of working collectively to address racism. As we work together to end marginalization and ...
Season 2
Episode 9