Let's K12 Better
Let's K12 Better
Let's Talk About... Wellness and Sexual Health Advocacy
How does implicit bias, racism, and inequity determine the type of care that patients receive when they go to the doctor or the emergency room? What is the work being done to actively empower those disproportionately impacted by sexual health and other health disparities? How would addressing the inequities of those at the margins, improve healthcare outcomes for all?
In this episode, we sit down with Renee Pitter MPH, who has dedicated her life to wellness and sexual health advocacy. Learn more about her work on the Center for sexuality and health disparities website: https://www.sexualityandhealth.org/
If you’re inspired by this episode, we encourage you to donate to work being done to improve wellness and sexual health outcomes.
Sites for donation:
https://www.ruthelliscenter.org/ (Add: TSOC in donation note section to donate to Trans Sistahs of Color)
*Parents, in this episode we discuss sexual health disparities. If you’ve yet to discuss this topic with your own children, please listen first and then listen as a family.