Let's K12 Better
Join Amber (@MomOfAllCapes) and her kids at their kitchen table, where family discussions are fun and informative! Learn from experts and explore innovative ideas that push for more meaningful, equitable, and compassionate K12 learning experiences for kids, parents, and educators.
Let's K12 Better
Back to School: Let's Talk About... Kids and Covid-19
Mom Of All Capes
Season 1
Episode 14
Right now, families across the country are inundated with information about COVID-19 and back to school. But what do the kids think? We invited two special guests, Judah P. (12) and Levi P. (10) to share their thoughts with us. We challenge families to use the time leading up to schools reopening to hold an open discussion about COVID-19 as a family.
This episode is part of a Back to School series focused on a variety of topics designed to peek behind the curtain or even blur the lines a bit between the parent-teacher realm.
ATTN: This is a two-part episode (on the same track).
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